Keeping Fit For Fishing

Keeping Fit For Fishing

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How To Keep Fit For Fishing

Sure to go fishing you don’t need to be super fit. But a certain degree of fitness is important. Certainly jigging for sambos, popping for GT’s or land based spinning require a certain degree of fitness. Casting spinners or poppers all day long can certainly take it out on you. If you’ve got a trip coming up targeting some big fish you might be fantastic at rigging your lines and your general fishing knowledge but not so confident in your if your body is up to the task. For this article we have consulted with fitness holiday experts GetFit Travel to give us some exercises to make sure you cut the mustard.

Perfect Casting – Going for distance?

Often you need to make sure that you have a good distance between you the fish and where your lure lands in the water. To do this it sometime calls for a long cast of from your rod, and you can’t really solely on the weight of the lure to get you there

Sledge Hammer.

The casting action is an overhead and over shoulder action, so to exercise for it we will use a weighted sledge hammer and old tyre. If you can’t get either of these, perhaps you can try help a friend who needs firewood chopped up.

We will set ourselves up in an area clear of any dangers and make sure that no one else will get in the way. With the type laying flat on the ground pickup your sledge hammer and go to work. Start by placing your leading foot slightly forward but not too much. When the sledge hammer hits the tyre it might recoil and we want to make sure that you don’t get injured. Complete five (5) repetitions per side for a minimum of three (3) rounds. Although we have a tendency to use the same hands and cast from right to left or visa-versa, it is important for you to be balanced from side to side.

Rod & Reel – Need help to land the big one in time?

Sometimes trying to land the big fish can present a real challenge and this is where endurance in your arms will count. Winding in and pulling back on the rod stains your biceps and fatigue can set in.

Bicep Curls

An old favourite of every young man to build up the biceps, but they aren’t just for show. When you go fishing they will be required to fire up when truely needed. A bicep curl can be executed either simultaneously or individually, it really is a matter of your confidence and equipment available. Start by holding a dumb bell or a weighted bag by your side, curl your arm upwards toward your chin. Repeat this twelve (12) repetitions, then repeat each side for a minimum of three (3) times

Farmer Carry

A great exercise to help with your grip strength of the rod and the reel handle. Hold equally sized weights in each hand walk 10 meters back and forth. If is important to make sure that you do this until your hands ache. To do any less means that you aren’t exercising your hands and forearms enough.

Stance – Need sure footing on land or on the water?

Sure footing is a must when you are trying to land the lucrative big one. So it is crucial you are steady no matter were you are, so balance is key.  Whether you’re on a rocking boat or fishing from the rocks you don’t want to lose your footing., Here are a series of exercises that will improve balance and strengthen your core.

Bosu Balance

The BOSU isn’t for everyone and of course you shouldn’t feel that you need to go out and purchase one, but if you have access to one then great. Flip the BOSU ball upside down so that the flat base is facing upwards. Very carefully using a stick or a chair stand on the BOSU ball, using your core attempt to keep yourself upright. This will help engage your side obliques and stabiliser muscles.

Vertical Side Crunch

A perfect exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime with very little to no equipment required. All you really need is a weight to hold in one hand, so it can an actual kettle bell or perhaps a bag with tools in it.

While holding the weights in one hand lean over to lower the weight towards your knees. Once you have reached your maximum or to your knee then pull the weight back up. Repeat this on each side for a minimum of twelve (12) repetitions, then repeat each side for a minimum of three (3) times.

The important thing to note here is not sway too much back or forth from your mid-line. By this I mean that whilst the weight is moving up or down the site of your body, we don’t want to have your body move forward or backward in the same manner.

Wall Sits

Great overall exercise to assist with leg strength, can be performed anywhere. Find a suitable space on a wall that is clear for you to use. Place your back against the wall while you move you bum towards the ground, bending the at the knees. The aim is to sit your back against the wall with your knees at a 90 degree angle.

How to plan for your next fishing trip?

Last minute preparation is never going to provide you the results you want. It is crucial that these exercises be done for a minimum period of 3-4 weeks prior to your trip. Doing so will give your body ample time to get used to the exercises and any DOMS (delayed onset muscle syndrome).

There is not much point to trying to fish and enjoy yourself when your body is in pain. So rest up for about 3-4 days prior to leaving to ensure that your are well rested to catch a feast.